According to the Adams County Junior Fair Beef BBQ Committee, 1,884 dinners were served last Thursday as part of the 58th Annual Adams County Jr. Fair Beef BBQ. That was up significantly from the 2020 county of 1,540.

The event is led by Corbett Phipps, a retired educator and longtime friend of the fair. The 2021 and 2020 BBQ was all drive-thru with minimal delays. It is unclear if the committee plans to offer drive-thru dinners permanently.

The annual dinner continues to be a staple in the Adams County area. The first barbecue was held in 1963 and has helped raise funds for many projects supporting the Junior Fair. The Committee has donated over $110,000 to assist the fairgrounds including: the new show arena, the rabbit and poultry barn, the Jr. Fair activities building, and much more.