In 2005, a local group of caring individuals got together and decided that the homeless companion animals of Adams County, Ohio, deserved more attention. Shortly thereafter, the Humane Society of Adams County, Inc. (HSAC), was formed. This non-profit 501c3 organization is dedicated to providing humane care and treatment to all animals brought into the shelter. HSAC is also committed to providing educational and volunteer programs to the citizens of Adams County, concerning the humane treatment of animals, prevention of cruelty, abuse, neglect, and exploitation of animals. The goal of HSAC is further to reduce the pet

For seven years, the Board of Directors for the Humane Society met in a room of the National Bank of Adams County in West Union. The group’s main focus was acquiring enough money to build a brand new animal shelter. In 2012, that dream became a reality when
“We are completely supporter and
In celebration of this milestone, HSAC had a 1,000 animal celebration on Saturday at the shelter. Music for the event was provided by RAGE DJ Service with food and desserts being luau themed. Many supporters, volunteers, board members, and staff attended the

“We simply wanted to say thank you to all of our hardworking staff and volunteers. We also wanted to acknowledge the many donors and supporters and say, look, we’ve adopted out 1,000 animals – and we couldn’t have done it without them,” said Caraway. “Its a really big accomplishment.”
HSAC currently serves Adams County, Ohio, through the coordination of low-cost pet sterilization clinics, pet rescue and rehoming, humane education, and public outreach programs. HSAC is not associated with the Humane Society of the United States, or any other animal welfare organization, and receives no financial
For more information about the Humane Society of Adams County please call 937-544-8585, email, or find them on Facebook.