What We Do – Wellness and Support December 2024 Monthly Column

by Jamie Herrmann, Executive Director
The holiday season is upon us! Hopefully, this time of year brings joy and togetherness with friends and family; however, quite often, the festivities can create hustle and bustle, stress, and a drain on our mental, physical, and emotional resources. It can also be a time that creates loneliness, dread, or frustration. Whatever feelings the Holidays create for you, the Area Agency on Aging District 7 (AAA7) is here to help. In last month’s article, we discussed the Case Management Services for Medicaid Programs. This month, we’re focusing on the wide variety of wellness and support services for older adults and caregivers the AAA7 offers.
National Family Caregiver Support Program
This program is funded through the Older Americans Act and available to provide help and assistance for family caregivers so they can take better care of themselves and their loved ones. The program provides help for those caring for older adults as well as grandparents raising grandchildren. Core services include: assessment to determine services and resources needed for the caregiver and care receiver; information, assistance, referral, education and training; purchasing supplemental services/items to complement the care provided by the caregiver; respite to provide a temporary break from day-to-day caregiving responsibilities; and counseling/problem solving to support caregivers in making decisions and solving issues related to their caregiving role.
Home Repair
To qualify for this program, recipients must be 60 years of age or older and live in and own their home or have a life estate and meet income eligibility. The program completes home repairs and provides handicapped accessibility to help individuals remain in their home as they age. Priority is given to requests involving accessibility, heating, electric, potable water access, and plumbing.
Wellness Programs
These programs are designed to help individuals take control of their life and manage health conditions. Each program uses an “evidence-based” approach that has scientifically proven community initiatives that provide health benefits. Currently, the AAA7 provides the following programs: Matter of Balance for falls management; Bingocize®, and Tai Chi for Arthritis.
Senior Farmer’s Market Nutrition Program
The purpose of this program is to improve the nutritional health of seniors by providing access to fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs and honey, while helping to increase business for local farmers. The program is funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and administered by the Ohio Department of Aging. It is open to individuals who are age 60 or older at the time of application and meet income guidelines. A call for applications takes place each year, typically in the Spring.
Medicare Info and Assistance
This service provides support for the often-confusing subject of Medicare and what it covers. From researching which plan covers your prescriptions to determining if your doctor is in-network, our specialists are here to help. Common focus areas include: Medicaid Prescription Drug Assistance Program; Low Income Subsidy (Extra Help); Medicare Savings Plan; Medicare questions and counseling; and Medicare Open Enrollment help and assistance.
AAA7 programs are available to help older adults and those of any age living with a disability remain safely and independently in their residence of choice. Contact us today at 800-582-7277 or email info@aaa7.org for more information or if you or someone you know could benefit from our services.